Why Use Polystyrene Foam as Protective Packaging

Why Use Polystyrene Foam as Protective Packaging

Polystyrene foam has become an essential packaging option in the packing industry due to its various advantages. Aside from its recycling benefit for environmental conservation, this blog focuses on the main benefits of polystyrene foam.

Safe insulation for food products

Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene – EPS) is the preferred solution in food packaging because it keeps the temperature of packaged food products constant.  EPS is made by the expansion of polystyrene beads which interlock and fill up the spaces to provide a tight barrier, offering external protection and maximum heat retention.

Therefore, EPS has great thermal insulation value, making it the ideal material for food packaging.  Resistance to bacterial growth and moisture also means that polystyrene foam can conserve packaged food and safely store and transport it for longer duration of times.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) manufactured by the Isowall Group is fast becoming recognized as the insulation material of choice by specifiers of “Bills of Quantities”. This comes largely as a result of our technical knowledge backed up by years of experience in the building and construction industry.

Extremely lightweight for transportation

Due to its light composition, polystyrene foam packaging ensures perfect cushioning to keep foods warm and safe for transportation. Polystyrene foam is easy to carry around, and the preferred choice for packaging lightweight fast foods, for example.

Polystyrene foam for protective packaging has been approved for usage by the Food and Drug Administration Board since 1958, with EPS packaged food deemed safe for transportation and consumption, and easy to handle in general when compared to other packaging options.

Important costs and energy savings

There is very little energy used in the manufacturing process of polystyrene foam, which makes EPS a budget-friendly material option for companies worldwide in need of light and durable packaging solutions.

Fewer manufacturing resources to make polystyrene foam mean less overall energy consumption, and substantial cost savings in the often resource-intensive manufacturing industry.

There is no doubt polystyrene has been in use for a long time and will continue to offer benefits to both businesses and consumers in the future, as an efficient, performant and environment-friendly packaging option.

The Isowall Group has been manufacturing and distributing Isolite Shape Moulded EPS since 1992. Isolite EPS products are used primarily for insulation, lightweight fillers and semi-rigid cushioning.


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