The Main Advantages of Thermal Insulation

Thermal insulation has been adopted and has become essential in the building process to prevent heat transfer between outside and inside of the building.

Put simply; thermal insulation prevents the entrance of outside heat from exterior building walls and ceiling, and the escape of hot or cool air from the interior rooms to outside. Below we list the main benefits of properly conducted thermal insulation in ceiling and walls.

Thermal-insulated rooms and buildings stay warm in winter and cool in summer, providing comfort in all seasons.

Insulation guarantees no absorption of heat and subsequent dissipation.

Well-insulated rooms do not need the installation of additional air climate control, cooling or heating, saving the owner extra costs and energy.

Consequently, a building with thermal insulation will require less power and energy to maintain throughout its existence.

Due to thermal insulation, transfer of heat between inside and outside of the room is severely restricted, which results in less energy required for maintaining the desired temperature.

The Isowall structural composite panel consists of a core of thermally efficient insulation material sandwiched between two outer pre-stressed skins and bonded to them. This gives the panel its impressive strength characteristics. Various facing materials and finishes are available.

Another advantage of thermal insulation is its lightweight properties, which help prevent thermal stress on roofs. Usually, insulation materials are lighter than other building materials, for example, concrete.

Due to thermal stresses, roof decks tend to crack. Thermal insulation, therefore, helps to reduce the dead weight on the roof slab and to prevent roof cracking.

Furthermore, some components used in thermal insulation, for example, EPS, are 100% recyclable, making the process environmentally-friendly and non-toxic. However, it is important to note that various other forms of thermal insulation are not always recyclable or made from recycled materials.

Thermal insulation can minimise the use of expansion joints. An expansion joint or movement joint is an assembly designed to absorb the temperature-induced expansion and contraction of construction materials safely to absorb vibration or allow movement due to ground settlement or earthquakes.

Perhaps one of the most vital aspects of thermal insulation is the fact that it is fire-resistant (depending on the core material).

Finally, thermal insulation is easy to install, with no further maintenance required.


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