Making Lightweight Concrete Blocks from Expanded Polystyrene

Making Lightweight Concrete Blocks from Expanded Polystyrene

An alternative building technology for concrete blocks is the use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) regrind and virgin beads in its structure. Polystyrene concrete blocks are lightweight but strong, and offer strong thermal insulation properties as the main advantage.

The EPS beads represent recycled polystyrene waste that can be reused in building the lightweight concrete with good insulation properties.

The polystyrene is recycled and converted back into EPS beads or regrind material, which is further mixed with additives and cement to form the lightweight concrete blocks. Polystyrene concrete is generally made from a mix of cement silica aggregate, recycled polystyrene granules, and modifying agents such as setting accelerators.

These concrete blocks are energy-efficient, thermally-insulated, and resistant to water or fire hazards, all due to the well-known properties of expanded polystyrene.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) manufactured by the Isowall Group is fast becoming recognized as the insulation material of choice by specifiers of “Bills of Quantities”. This comes largely as a result of our technical knowledge backed up by years of experience in the building and construction industry.

The EPS concrete blocks have a higher insulating value for building walls. The highly insulated concrete walls offer the added benefit of energy savings to the client over the lifespan of the building. It reduces costs with post-insulation and temperature control.

The lightweight structure of the concrete blocks is also a major advantage in construction, reducing the structural concrete and steel requirements usually associated with traditional concrete walls.

Lightweight concrete blocks also minimise the labour force and construction requirements, save money, and improve the overall speed and duration of the construction project.

EPS lightweight concrete blocks remain a sustainable and more environmentally friendly way of implementing fast building systems that offer durability, stability and excellent thermal properties.

The Isowall Group has been manufacturing and distributing Isolite EPS products used primarily for insulation, lightweight fillers and semi-rigid cushioning. Our regrind and virgin beads are ideally suited to make lightweight concrete blocks.

Virgin Beads are packed in 5 KG bags and normally sold as 15 DV beads; other densities can be made on request. Regrind Beads are packed in 5 KG bags of various densities.


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