Insulate Doors and Windows for Controlled Environments

Insulate Doors and Windows for Controlled Environments

Doors and windows have a vital part to play in the adequate insulation of industrial and commercial buildings, aside from walls, floors and ceilings. Here are some notable applications of insulating doors and windows for controlled environments.

Cold rooms and freezer doors 

Cold rooms and freezers require the use of doors that guarantee complete access, sealing and safety to controlled spaces, maintaining constant cold airflow and preventing variations in temperature and air exchange.

Doors manufactured for these applications are either hinged or sliding, with or without sills, manual or automated. Usually, door frames and tracks consist of heavy-duty extruded aluminium sections, and gaskets fitted to the door panel are made of silicon rubber. Include an internal safety release system and tracks that prevent freezing between the door and the frame itself for refrigerator rooms.

The Isowall Group’s Light Engineering Department specialises in accessories for panel installation, such as, a wide range of flashings, goal posts, crash barriers and door thresholds are produced in-house. A wide range of welded goods for internal use or client’s specification are capable of being manufactured.

Doors and window frames in insulated buildings

In insulated buildings where insulated sandwich panels are applied to the walls, doors and windows frames must provide a good fit with the panels or be mounted easily into the existing brick structure without compromising insulation. Like doors, windows can also be hinged, fixed or sliding.

Ensure that the frames, hinges or tracks combine seamlessly with the wall surface to maintain the desired temperature. At Isowall, we manufacture freezer and chiller doors from the same insulated sandwich panels and provide a heavy-duty fibreglass channel frame to regulate access to insulated environments.

Isowall manufactures locally an extensive range of standard and custom-designed doors, windows, and accessories to suit every application and panel installation. All doors are available in a variety of finishes such as aluminium-zinc coated steel, fibreglass, stainless steel, checker plate, etc.

Isowall is the supplier of choice within Africa for Insulated Sandwich Panel, EPS and EPP products. Contact us for more information.


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