Choose Sustainable EPS Floor Insulation

Choose Sustainable EPS Floor Insulation

Energy-efficient buildings cost less to maintain thanks to insulation properties, but the benefits go beyond reduced expenses and thermal efficiency. In this blog, we discuss the environmental and sustainable properties of using EPS for flooring insulation.

A Healthier Environment

Proper floor insulation also reduces the risk of mould, rot, condensation and indoor air pollution, ensuring a healthier environment.

EPS is non-toxic and chemically inert, making it ideal for floor insulation handling and installation, and minimising safety and chemical risks on-site. It will not rot or mould and is resistant to moisture and condensation, meaning it can be installed in damp conditions, too.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) manufactured by the Isowall Group is fast becoming recognized as the insulation material of choice by specifiers of “Bills of Quantities”. This comes largely as a result of our technical knowledge backed up by years of experience in the building and construction industry.


Expanded polystyrene floor insulation is sustainable and meant to last during the entire lifetime of the building. Once properly installed, it does not require replacement. The insulation can be removed and successfully recycled after the building’s lifetime requirement.

Bear in mind that floor insulation may be a more economical and sustainable solution for retrofitting when major renovations require removal or lifting the floor altogether, or for new flooring installations.

Handling and Installation

Expanded polystyrene is a lightweight and versatile material, suitable for both domestic and commercial applications. It can be used for floor insulation as it is easy to handle and install.

EPS is also ideal for the installation that require additional changes such as cutting to fit between the joists. Builders can cut EPS on-site with a knife, or a tooth saw to meet specific size and placement requirements. Any leftover EPS can be used for other applications or recycled.

The Isowall Group has been manufacturing and distributing Isolite block moulded EPS since 1985, and shape moulded EPS since 1991. Isolite EPS products are used primarily for insulation, lightweight fillers and semi-rigid cushioning.


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