Expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam is used to insulate critical components in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC) systems.
Proper building insulation is essential to reduce energy costs and save on carbon emissions, leading to a more cost-effective and sustainable construction.
Cold rooms used for storage need that extra insulation, sealing and cooling to maintain the perfect temperature and airflow balance. Consider the following tips to optimise your refrigerated warehouse, industrial freezer or cold storage unit.
Doors and windows have a vital part to play in the adequate insulation of industrial and commercial buildings, aside from walls, floors and ceilings.
Ventilation systems such as louvres provide screening, air ventilation, light control and protection against weather elements for industrial and commercial applications.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks and sheets can be used and reused many times to prolong its lifespan and avoid landfills.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) packaging provides superior thermal insulation and hygienic conditions, making it an excellent option for cooler boxes.
For roof and ceiling insulation, EPS panels provide a lightweight, durable and aesthetic insulating solution. Click here to read more...
Building with insulated concrete formers or EPS blocks has considerable advantages over the traditional brick wall construction.
Decorative cornices are used to mask the roughly finished top edges of a room where the walls meet the ceiling, adding a pleasant aesthetic...