Attention all Specifiers

Attention all Specifiers

The new standard on energy efficiency for buildings, SANS 204, has become mandatory with SANS 10400–XA:2010 having been gazetted.

What does this mean?

SANS 10400-XA:2010 Energy Usage in Buildings, stipulates that all new buildings and building extensions, as per the building occupancy classes specified in the regulations, require thermal insulation to be installed.

The objective and primary intent of energy efficiency standards is to reduce the operational energy use of new and altered buildings without reducing comfort.

This means that a product like Isolite is ideal for its insulation properties!

Characteristic uses of Isolite EPS in the building sector as an insulation material:

  • Cavity Wall

All walls in new buildings should be insulated with EPSASA standard density (SD) – 15kg/m3 material to prevent temperature fluctuations.

  • Under Floor

All floors need to be insulated with high density (HD) 20kg/m3 or 24kg/m3 material, which has a greater compressive strength than SD. This prevents heat loss or dissipation in the case of under floor heating into the sub structure and the prevention of damp rising.

  • Expansion Joints

A full range of EPS expansion joints are cut to client’s requirements.

  • Roof Insulation

Isolite produces Isolam Ceiling Panels comprising of SD fire retardant EPS to which a layer of 125 micron flame retardant PVC foil is laminated at a high temperature resulting in an aesthetically pleasing product that has excellent thermal properties. Isolam is classified as a class B/B1/2/H & V SP & USP.

  • Decking Blocks

Isolite produces a 190mm block for a 255mm slab and a 110mm block for a 170mm slab. They are light weight and easy to install and offer great insulation value.

  • Building Blocks

Isolite manufactures and an internal building block measuring 1000 x 250 x 125mm and an external building block measuring 1000 x 250 x 250mm, which is known as ICF’s – Insulated Concrete Formers. The internal concrete is 10 MPA.

Isolite is fast becoming recognized as the insulation material of choice by specifiers of Bills of Quantities. This comes largely as a result of our technical knowledge backed up by years of experience in the building and construction industry.

To find out more about Isolite and its great insulation properties talk to our Sales Team on 012 8043564.

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