On the 23rd of September 2018, millions of people in more than 60 countries – South Africa included – participate in World Rivers Day, a celebration of the world’s waterways.
Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of September, World Rivers Day strives to increase public awareness about the sensitive riverine ecosystem and the threatening effects of water pollution due to plastics waste. You can join the cause and help make rivers more sustainable.
The History of World Rivers Day
If you are not familiar with World Rivers Day, here is a brief history. The first World Rivers Day celebrations took place in 2005.
It started in response to a proposal initiated by internationally renowned river advocate, Canadian Mark Angelo, who called for a global event to celebrate worldwide rivers after gaining traction with BC Rivers Day, which he founded and led in western Canada since 1980.
The United Nations welcomed the World Rivers Day. The organisation had already created the Water for Life Decade initiative in 2005 to help create a greater awareness of water resources and the need to protect its ecosystems.
The World Rivers Day initiative has since grown thanks to millions of river enthusiasts taking part in activities that promote river clean-ups and waste recycling activities.
Celebrate Rivers in Your Area
Join in the worldwide celebrations by attending a Rivers Day event in your region or planning your own. Get involved in plastics clean-ups and recycling initiatives, and make the day an educational outing for your family.
Mark Angelo, the founder of BC Rivers Day and World Rivers Day, said: “Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense.”
Sadly, pollutants and plastic-derived products, including polystyrene variants, can end up in rivers and contaminate the environment. It is up to everyone to show respect to the riverine environment and recycle! Visit www.worldriversday.com for more info.
Isowall is a proud member of the Polystyrene Association of South Africa and supports the new awareness campaign on recycling of polystyrene.
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